Romans 4:20-21

Abraham, Father of Faith


10/9/20241 min read

Romans 4:20-21 highlights Abraham's unwavering faith in God's promises. Paul emphasizes that Abraham did not waver in disbelief but grew stronger in faith. Even when he considered the fact that he was about a hundred years old, and was way past his prime to father a child. He only grew stronger in faith, glorifying God by being fully convinced of His ability to fulfill His promises. His focus was only on God's promise and not on his or Sarah's disabilities.

This passage illustrates the essence of faith as central to justification, asserting that righteousness comes through belief rather than works. For us Catholics, this underscores the importance of faith as a gift from God, which leads to salvation and is essential for living a life that honors Him.

Abraham is rightfully considered as the Father of Faith, and he serves as a model for us all, encouraging us to trust in God's faithfulness, even in impossible situations.