Matthew 19:26
9/19/20241 min read
Jesus had just given the rich young man a discourse on what he should do to attain eternal life. The young man had kept all the commandments dutifully, but he was reluctant to give up his riches in this life. He was tied to his possessions, not realizing that he would not be able to carry all his belongings when death beckoned.
How many times have we thought or behaved like the rich man? As long as we are alive, we live as though there is no tomorrow. We buy things as though we are going to live forever. We forget that our life on earth is short. We never think about the eternal life that is in store for us, and whether we are worthy of it.
When Jesus explains, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God", it is a rude awakening for us. We should hold on to the realization that all things come from God, the provider and He alone can give us eternal life. It is a grace that He gives to everyone freely if only we acknowledge it.